For a limited time, Athletic Performance Systems is offering the following interactive charts and worksheets FREE of charge. Click on the item to download it, you may complete it and print it out for your personal use.
Calories/Carbs/Proteins/Fats/Fluid Per Day Nutrition Profile for Baseball
A 3-page interactive chart to determine the number of calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fluids you should consume per day based on your height, weight, and level of activity; plus a worksheet to record your results.
Sheet 1 -
Calories Per Day. Steps 1, 2 & 3. Input your weight, height (in inches), and age (in years) into the yellow boxes in the worksheet. The figure displayed in the total column is your baseline number of calories to consume daily to maintain your current weight if you are sedentary. The more active you are, the more calories you will need to consume. To calculate your caloric needs for different levels of activity, enter your baseline Calories Per Day figure in the Calorie Requirements section. Choose your activity level from Activity Chart. This will determine your calorie needs per day.
Sheet 2 -
Carbohydrate Requirements Per Day. Step 1, Input your weight. Your carb requirement per day will be displayed in grams. Step 2, Input this number in the Grams Per Day box. This will determine your carb calorie requirement per day.
Protein Requirement Per Day. Step 1, Input your weight. Your protein requirement per day will be displayed in grams. Step 2, Input this number in the Grams Per Day box. This will determine your protein calorie requirement per day.
Fat Requirements Per Day. Step 1, Input your Calories Per Day from Sheet 1. Your fat calories requirement per day will be displayed. Step 2, Input this number in the Cal From Fat box. This will determine your fat calorie requirement per day in grams.
Sheet 3 - Fluid Requirements Per Day. Step 1, Input Calories Per Day from Sheet 1. Step 2, Input grams of fluid calculated in Step 1. Step 3, Input ounces of fluid calculated in Step 2. This will determine your fluid requirements for the normal weather days. To determine your fluid requirements for hot weather days, follow the same steps in the Hot Temperatures chart.
Record your information on the Nutritional Profile PDF sheet.
Sheet 1 -
Calories Per Day. Steps 1, 2 & 3. Input your weight, height (in inches), and age (in years) into the yellow boxes in the worksheet. The figure displayed in the total column is your baseline number of calories to consume daily to maintain your current weight if you are sedentary. The more active you are, the more calories you will need to consume. To calculate your caloric needs for different levels of activity, enter your baseline Calories Per Day figure in the Calorie Requirements section. Choose your activity level from Activity Chart. This will determine your calorie needs per day.
Sheet 2 -
Carbohydrate Requirements Per Day. Step 1, Input your weight. Your carb requirement per day will be displayed in grams. Step 2, Input this number in the Grams Per Day box. This will determine your carb calorie requirement per day.
Protein Requirement Per Day. Step 1, Input your weight. Your protein requirement per day will be displayed in grams. Step 2, Input this number in the Grams Per Day box. This will determine your protein calorie requirement per day.
Fat Requirements Per Day. Step 1, Input your Calories Per Day from Sheet 1. Your fat calories requirement per day will be displayed. Step 2, Input this number in the Cal From Fat box. This will determine your fat calorie requirement per day in grams.
Sheet 3 - Fluid Requirements Per Day. Step 1, Input Calories Per Day from Sheet 1. Step 2, Input grams of fluid calculated in Step 1. Step 3, Input ounces of fluid calculated in Step 2. This will determine your fluid requirements for the normal weather days. To determine your fluid requirements for hot weather days, follow the same steps in the Hot Temperatures chart.
Record your information on the Nutritional Profile PDF sheet.
2. Barbell Loading Chart
3. Baseball Strength Training-Workout Card
4. Body Weightlifting Chart
5. Foundation Strength Training
This chart will determine the amount of weight you need to lift based on your body weight for certain areas of the body: arms, shoulders, chest, and back. Input your body weight for each area. This will give you the information you will need to use in your workout card to plan the level of lifting.
6. BEE Calories Workbook